Butternut, Barley & Lentil Pilaf

Hope everyone had fun at the Virtual Vegan Potluck at the weekend! I was happy to bring my dessert along to the party and enjoyed seeing what everyone else came up with.

Butternut, Barley & Lentil Pilaf

I’d been doing well so far this autumn in avoiding any lurgies but I finally succumbed to a cold over the weekend- I’m blaming my Mum who came to visit last week, and she’s apparently blaming her boyfriend (Thanks James!). It takes a lot to keep me out of the kitchen but admittedly my energy was pretty zapped and cooking wasn’t high on the list of things I felt like doing at the weekend.

All the same, a girl’s got to eat- “feed a cold” and all that. Not to mention I wanted to share a new dish with you today, so I pulled myself to my feet and into the kitchen, and this is what I came up with.

Butternut, Barley & Lentil Pilaf

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like  roasted squash. It’s probably the highlight of the season’s vegetables for me. Roasted with spices and olive oil then combined with chewy barley, lentils, a few extra accents and a sweet and tangy dressing, this really hit the spot. I made a large batch too so if my energy levels are dragged down this week I’m good to go with a nutritious meal waiting for me in the fridge.

Since the blogosphere is abuzz with talk of Thanksgiving, not much more than a week away (!), I couldn’t help but think of my American readers when making this dish. It would be a good one to serve on the big day- colourful, vibrant, tasty: a guaranteed crowd-pleaser.

Butternut, Barley & Lentil Pilaf

Butternut, Barley & Lentil Pilaf:

(Adapted from BBC Good Food & The Kitchn)

1/2C Pearl Barley (For GF use Brown/Wild Rice or another hearty GF grain)
1/2C Puy Lentils
Small Butternut Squash (approx 680g/1 1/2lb), peeled and cubed
1T Olive Oil
1/2t Ground Cumin
1/2t Ground Coriander
1/4t Cinnamon
1/4t Garlic Powder
Large pinch of salt
1/3C Raisins
1/3C Pumpkin Seeds, toasted (Reserve 1-2T for topping)
1/3C Finely Chopped Red Onion
1/2C Roughly chopped Parsley

3T Orange Juice (fresh)
1T Red Wine Vinegar
1T Extra-virgin Olive Oil
Salt + Pepper (to taste)

Preheat oven to 200C/400F

Cook lentils & barley in two separate pots according to package instructions. Barley typically takes 40-45 minutes and puy lentils approx 25 minutes. When al dente, drain and set aside.

In a large mixing bowl, combine cubed squash with olive oil, spices and a large pinch of salt. Spread in a layer on a baking sheet and roast for approx 25 minutes, or until soft when pierced with a fork.

Meanwhile, whisk together the dressing ingredients and add to barley and lentils along with the raisins, pumpkin seeds and red onion. Toss well.

Finally, fold through the roasted butternut and the parsley, transfer to a serving dish and scatter the remaining pumpkin seeds on top.

Serves 4 as a main, 6-8 as a side

I’m submitting this recipe to the weekly blog-party, Wellness Weekends.

Butternut, Barley & Lentil Pilaf

Are my US readers ready with your menus for Thanksgiving yet? What will you be making?

P.S. This is your last call to enter to WIN a copy of the beautiful vegetarian cookbook “Tibits at home”. Winner will be announced Wednesday (UK readers only)

If you’re new to Coconut and Berries, Please sign up for email updates and join me elsewhere: I’m on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram (@coconutandberries), Google + and Twitter!

30 thoughts on “Butternut, Barley & Lentil Pilaf

    • That doesn’t sound over-prepared to me! I would definitely be planning out the menu already if we weren’t going to my brother’s for Christmas. Though I need to think of what to make for Christmas Eve & Boxing Day! How did that not occur to me?! Need to get my thinking hat on..

    • Thanks Joanne. I’m actually not feeling bad at all. Think I managed to knock the cold on the head 🙂
      Trying to submit this recipe to your 12 Weeks of Winter Squash but I couldn’t find the entry page?

  1. It’s so true, you absolutely can’t go wrong when you start with roasted butternut. This sounds like the perfect dish for autumn, be it a quick lunchtime dish or a Thanksgiving side. It’s incredibly elegant in its simplicity.

  2. This is so colourful and wholesome–my favourite kind of food. Nothing like feeding a cold with all of the goodness you can muster. Hope you feeling better soon! 🙂

  3. hope you conquered your sniffles by now (if not a green smoothie challenge should do the trick 🙂 ). From what I know about you I would guess you were really feeling quite low for not wanting to dive into the kitchen. Yet this dish looks so darn good! I love hearty yet sweet dishes like this one! x

  4. The close up of this dish has got to be one of the most beautiful food shots I’ve ever seen ♥ Maybe you’re destined to become a professional food photographer 😉
    I absolutely love the sound of this dish. I’ve been on the look out for a pearl barley dish to try out on Lil’ L. He’s not keen on the pearl barley salads that I usually make, but maybe this one will be the winner 😉 xx

  5. Pingback: Kabocha, Spinach, Brown Rice & Miso Broth | Coconut and Berries

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