Virtual Vegan Potluck November 2013- Dessert

So excited to be part of the Virtual Vegan Potluck this year! I’ve only ever been to one potluck in “real life” before, but had such a great time that I think I need to organize some myself.

I hope you’ve saved some room for dessert because I’ve got a real treat in store for you!

Vegan Crepes with Date & Orange Compote & Cinnamon Ice-Cream As this is a party I figured I’d go all out with something a little special- I put together a few things for a mighty feast- Vegan Crêpes filled with Date & Orange Compote and “supremed” oranges (as we’re feeling fancy…). All topped off with a creamy cinnamon ice cream.

There are a few components to this dessert but they’re not time-consuming or difficult. You don’t have to make them all either. The crêpes and compote would still be delicious with vanilla ice cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon or just make the quick compote and serve with ice cream if you don’t fancy making crêpes. Lots of options!

Vegan Crepes with Date & Orange Compote & Cinnamon Ice-Cream I was pretty pleased with how the crêpes turned out. I haven’t had much success in the past but scouted around online and combined a few recipes to come up with this one.

As for the compote- just a couple of ingredients simmered in a pan for 10 minutes turn into something magical. If you’re a long-time reader you’ll know how much I like to use dates in desserts. I love their caramel flavour and natural sweetness.

You don’t even need an ice-cream maker for this ice-cream! I learnt a nifty technique (see below) from blogger and cookbook author Ricki Heller– a life-changer for sure! This recipe is minimally adapted from the “Chai Ice-Cream” in her wonderful new book, Naturally Sweet and Gluten-Free.

Vegan Crepes with Date & Orange Compote & Cinnamon Ice-Cream

Date & Orange Compote:

1C (lightly packed)Dates, pitted and chopped
Juice of 1 Orange
Zest of 1/2 Orange
1T Lemon Juice
1/2C Water

Combine all ingredients in a small pan and simmer over medium-low heat until thickened and dates have broken down (10-15 minutes). Set aside to cool.

Cinnamon Ice Cream:

1/2C Cashews
1C Canned Coconut Milk (full-fat)
1C Non-dairy milk
1 Medium Banana
1/4C Agave Nectar
10 Drops of Stevia, or to taste (optional)
1T Cinnamon
Pinch of Salt

If using an ice-cream maker, set it up according to the manufacturer’s directions. Otherwise, set 6-8 silicone muffin cups, or 3 silicone ice-cube trays.

Add all ingredients to a high-power blender and blend until completely smooth. Divide the mixture evenly among the muffin cups or ice-cube trays until firm; pop out of the cups or trays and into Ziploc bags. Store in the freezer until ready to use.

When ready to make the ice cream, remove 1 muffin-sized disk or 4 ice cubes per serving. Chop the muffin disk into pieces. Place in the food processor and process until it resembles breadcrumbs. Press down with a rubber spatula, then continue to process just until the mixture begins to come together in a ball. Use an ice-cream scoop, as usual, to serve.

Vegan Crêpes:

1/2C All-Purpose Flour (Preferably Organic, Unbleached)
1t Coconut Sugar
1/8t Salt
1/2C + 2T Non-dairy Milk
1T Melted Coconut Oil
1T Maple Syrup

Sift together flour, sugar and salt in a medium bowl. Add milk, melted coconut oil and maple syrup and whisk to a smooth batter. Refrigerate the bowl for 30mins-1hr (depending on how impatient you are).

Heat a large frying pan over medium-high heat and lightly grease with a little coconut oil. Add a few tablespoons batter to the pan and swirl to coat the bottom. Cook for 1-2 minutes and carefully flip it once it loosens from the pan’s surface (Don’t be disheartened if it doesn’t turn out, my first of a batch is almost always a failure). Cook on the other side for a further minute, or until speckled brown.

Remove to a plate covered with a piece of parchment paper and keep warm in a low-temperature oven until you’ve finished cooking.

Repeat the process with the rest of the batter. You should be able to make 4-6 crêpes, enough for 2 people.

Spread one side of the crêpes with the compote, tuck in a few slices of orange and fold over.

Serve topped with more oranges, another dollop of compote and a scoop of cinnamon ice-cream.

Serves 2 (with plenty of leftover compote and ice-cream)

Vegan Crepes with Date & Orange Compote & Cinnamon Ice-Cream

Are you just jumping in to the Virtual Vegan Potluck? You can go to the very beginning by visiting our lovely host over at Vegan Bloggers Unite.

Visit the dish before mine by clicking the button below:

go_bck-300x257 See what comes after my dish by clicking the button below:


If you’re new to Coconut and Berries, Please sign up for email updates and join me elsewhere: I’m on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram (@coconutandberries), Google + and Twitter!

64 thoughts on “Virtual Vegan Potluck November 2013- Dessert

  1. Pingback: Good good links #13 | Let's get living

  2. How funny that you’ve only been to one potluck in real life. I can’t even count how many I’ve been to. Anyway, I love what you brought to this potluck. Crepes are my all time favorite food – I just love them!! And the way you made them here, YUM! 🙂

  3. Welcome to Virtual Vegan Potluck, Emma! Love the idea of serving date & orange compote with the cinnamon ice cream – that reminds me, I need an ice cream maker! The vegan crepes look tasty, miam!

  4. Pingback: Butternut, Barley & Lentil Pilaf | Coconut and Berries

  5. Oh shucks my ice creme maker broke and I have yet to be graced with a high powered blender but hey the crepes look delicious even on their own.

  6. Pingback: Chili-Lime Crusted Tofu with Creamy Herbed Rice | Coconut and Berries

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